Friday 22 August 2008


I'm going on holiday today. Back to Sidmouth, the site of my early (classic) blog entries.

It's a holiday town, so it counts as a holiday, even though it was my everyday life for six months. If it has sticks of rock, it's a holiday. That's the rule.

I think I'm going to try and keep a holiday journal every day. I can write about what I've done, the places I've gone to, the people I've met. It will be short, I'll grant you.

My plans include any or all (or none) of the following:

- Buying clothes (I've run out of every type of clothe. I need pants, socks, t-shirts, shirts, stockings and ear-muffs. Of course in Sidmouth you can only buy old-people clothes, so might just come back with a long, grey mac and a brown checkered flat-cap. And a feeling of abandonment and confusion.)
- Drinking tea (I might just connect a teapot intravenously)
- Watching Inspector Morse/Star Trek: The Next Generation and doing stupid jokes in the voice of Morse/Picard ("Captain's Log: Stardate 674.2. I had to defrost my freezer today. Mr Data just laughed, the plastic twat" - and Lewis looks confused)
- Swimming in the sea (depending on the weather. Also, I haven't taken my swimming costume. Swimming naked in the freezing ocean will not display my physical form to the best of its potential. Also, my willy will shrink)
- Meeting a Famous Five-style group of wholesome, intrepid young people, and getting them to try mescaline
Trying to punctuate that list gave me a headache. Do I use full-stops? Can I put sentences in brackets? What about capitalisation? Screw it. It's my blog. I can make up my own rule's.

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