My foot, for one.
Hohohoho. THAT'S RIGHT.
I'm feeling rather aimless today. I'm in a strange limbo period between something important at work and my holiday.
I spent some of this morning creating a red robot out of a stressball, water-bottle lid and pen lids.

I can't decide whether to call him something straightforward like Redbot, or to go with something more politically aposite, like Trotsky or Engels. Poor Engels. He's been pretty marginalised.

I might market a Che Guevara-style Engels t-shirt.
And start a motorcycle gang based on his work called the Hell's Engels. And write a cheesy detective show about three beautiful Engels clones (whose boss is called Charlie). And introduce a more efficient method of fishing called Engeling.
I'm going to do all of those things. Poor Engels.
But I suppose we can examine the case of Ludwig Engels. He was both ethnically interesting (German-Brazillian) and a chess master. Second to no-one. His own man.
So there's something to hold on to. You can find a new perspective on everything.
That's why I like to come at things from a different Engels.
You're not better than me! You're... you're not.
You're not.
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