We woke at 10am, which was a bit early for my liking. I was hoping this holiday would consist of lots of post-noon awakenings. But there's still time for all that.
I had a tasty breakfast (of Crunchy-Nut Cornflakes), a tasty lunch (of Devonshire ham, Hayman's amazing Scotch Eggs and soft bread), a Devon scone with clotted cream and jam (fuck Cornwall) and a tasty dinner of salmon and vegetables. I may well gain weight here. I also had loads of Cadbury's chocolate fingers and a million cups of tea.
I watched a million sports, which alienated Lucy. That was not my intention. I saw controversial Taekwondo and dull running and duller football.
We went out briefly, but I didn't like it. Sidmouth is much too busy today, full of people in costumes and tourists (I could clarify my grammar there, but I like the visual of people in tourists), and it was all humid and crowded and I just felt ill.
We watched a little bit of Short Circuit which was much shitter than I remember it.
In the evening we watched some fireworks on the sea-front, which were entirely adequate. Workmanlike. Fireworkmanlike.
I'd forgotten how frustrating it is avoiding snails in the dark.
It's weird to be back here. I'm still not entirely relaxed. I hope I achieve relaxation at some point, because if I return to Oxford all tightly-wound I might snap and kill some people. I don't want to kill people for the most part, and I hope to avoid it.
Lucy bought a Guardian, which included a supplement with an interesting cover:

It's for an article about breast-feeding and is trying to show a woman suckling a goat (or something). It has generated some discussion.
I think it's fair enough. I mean, we drink cow milk. It's only fair that the exchange should be reciprocated. Of course, we don't drink directly from the cow's teat. Well, you don't.
All in all, 'Holiday - Day 1' has left me uneasy and conflicted, full of food and interesting visuals. I think any day that you see fireworks counts as interesting though. Unless you work inside a fireworks factory. In which case, it is utterly mundane.
But I don't. So it's not.
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