It's a big room in the shape of a diary, made of diaries and filled with diaries. There's a plaque on the wall proclaiming that Samuel Pepys opened the diary room some time ago (no-one remembered to note down the date).
Also, there's a dairy in there. The milk is all inky and the diaries are all milky. It's a bloomin' disaster.
Mood: Happy (it's my day off).
Listening to: My friend Sarah's Five Senses playlist, which is much better than mine.
Reading: Reading? Me? Funny you should ask! I've just been reading a bit of Keats. Yeah, that's right: the poet. Pretty sophisticated, huh? It's not all comics.
After dark vapours have oppress'd our plains
For a long dreary season, comes a day
Born of the gentle south, and clears away
From the sick heavens all unseemly stains.
The anxious mouth, relieved from its pains,
Takes as a long-lost right the feel of May,
The eyelids with the passing coolness play,
Like rose-leaves with the drip of summer rains.
And calmest thoughts come round us -- as, of leaves
Budding, -- fruit ripening in stillness,-- autumn suns
Smiling at eve upon the quiet sheaves, --
Sweet Sappho's cheek, -- a sleeping infant's breath, --
The gradual sand that through an hour-glass runs,
A woodland rivulet, -- a Poet's death.
I'm an intellectual.
Watching: I've just been watching the student demonstrations on BBC News. Pretty interesting. I wish the protesters would stop acting like such dicks. You see some of them, and begin to turn Conservative just looking at their haircuts.
I'm not sure if 24 hour news can ever accurately represent what's going on. I'd have liked to have seen more footage of the peaceful parts of the demonstrations, but I suppose fire and broken glass and shouting are more appealing to the viewer.
It's great that people are being active and passionate though, even if I'm just watching it on the TV.
More important than any injuries/political consequences is that one of my tweets was re-tweeted by Times Higher Education.
@diamondbadger Placards proclaiming F**K FEES. Not sure I'm in favour of fork fees or any cutlery-based subsidies. #demo2010
I'm an intellectual.
Playing: I'm still playing the perpetual game of FnZ.
Eating: Lentil soup and leftover pizza. All of the major food groups.
Drinking: Lentil soup. The liquid parts of it anyway. And pineapple juice.
It's getting dark because of the stupid winter. I suppose I should put on some lights.
That reminds me, I need to put new bulbs in the kitchen lights.
(Bear with me, this might get interesting)
How many Pauls does it take to change a lightbulb?
Just one. Should be fine.
Unless it's Paul Revere. As he's dead. It would take him, a resurrectionist, and probably Ben Franklin to mediate. So three people.
But I think I can handle the bulbs.
If I get electrocuted, this will be my last ever blog post.
Unless I tun into some sort of electro-man. Like Electro.

In which case, this blog will get a lot more interesting.
Diamond Badger alias Paul the Parrott unfrocked by archive discoveries. Anarchist and picnic snatcher - watch this space.