Yes, defeaten is a word.
I've been defeaten.
Listening to: The Futureheads -The City Is Here For You To Use
I have two friends called Sarah. (They were separately called Sarah, they don't have to share it).
The first Sarah posted this on her playlist. The second Sarah correctly identified the lyrics to the chorus as "Corn on the Cobs! Corn on the Cobs! -- Corn on the Cobs! Corn on the Cobs!"
I like corn on the cob.
(I should say that I only chose which Sarah was first and second based on their appearance in this anecdote. It should not be seen as a value judgement.)
(Yes, that does qualify as an anecdote).
Reading: is in Berkshire.
(That's a joke because no-one in Berkshire can read.)
Watching: The same old things. My life flash before my eyes, for example. And my eyes flash before my life.
I've also been flashing.
And making a klaxon noise, trying to pass myself off as a road rescue vehicle.
If your life flashes before your eyes when you have a near death experience, does that mean that it's only visual? What about the other sensory information? Smell, taste, touch and sound are hugely important elements of my life.
I'd like my life to flash before my eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and fingers.
And probably my penis (but only my life from sixteen years on - I'm not a pervert).
Playing: I've been playing "avoid work" all day. I'm really good at it. I've got a fantastic high score. I can even defeat the end-of-level bosses (such as "a specific task with a deadline" or "a colleague asking for help")
Drinking: Darjeeling tea. I've also been wearing a monocle and discussing Brecht. I'm really classy.
Some may say flashing your CORN ON THE COBS is not a sign of a classy individual. But I am classy. I've been drinking Darjeeling tea.
I wonder if I should add some new categories to these posts. I could include some of my hilarious tweets.
Hilarious Tweets:
If I was in a silo right now... I'd... I... the silo would... I... #iwishiwasinasilo
I can't stop thinking about Brede Hangeland. No wait.... I just stopped.
In New York, you're never more than six feet away from your own anklet. #BadUrbanLegends
I bet you could fool the Children of the Revolution with one of those fake painted-on tunnels you get in Roadrunner cartoons.
I don't take any responsibility for SPLITTING YOUR SIDES!

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