Also, if you imagine some of those splodges are blood, you'll realise that I'm a real man. A REAL MESSED-UP MAN!
That doesn't even qualify as a joke.
I had another meeting today. Unlike last time, I left my interior monologue recorder at home. Luckily, I can bring you insight of a different kind. During the meeting, I drew this:

But that's not all. There are layers of subtext there. I did a module on Aesthetics at university (and got a 65 - my second best mark thank you very much), so I know what art is. And I know what I like.
This fulfils both of those.
The robot's eye is one of the pad's ring-binder holes. I'm clever that way.
He has a circle around his head. A propeller? A halo? A Jewish kippah?
Is he waving? Is his other fist clenched?
He says he's not drunk. But is he?
Is he?
I don't know. That's for you to find out.
I showed this to Arthur Danto, and he convulsed in admiration.
I've just decided to name the robot Danto in his honour.
Maybe he'll become a recurring character, like the Metropelican or Ging Gu.
I could do a Danto/Frank55 crossover.
The possibilities are as endless as I am friendless.
I should curate some kind of exhibition of my doodles. I'm sure I can find some old notebooks containing some real gems.
Everything's going well for me. I'm fine. I'm really fine. Everything is fine.
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