Tuesday 28 July 2009


I had the day off today.

At about two o'clock, some Jehovah's Witnesses knocked at my door.

I didn't know they were Jehovah's Witnesses at the time. I think I've always thought they were a myth, like Bigfoot or ladybirds. I didn't answer the door.

There were a few possible reasons for this. Firstly, I had just got out of the shower, so had no clothes on. It is considered poor form to answer doors naked. As I have learned to my cost.


The above was going to be the beginning of a blog entry a few days ago, but I got bored. I'm sure you can imagine where I was going.

I'm doing some stand-up tonight, and I'm feeling nervous. I think my subconscious is even more nervous, as all my dreams were really tense and ominous. I don't know why I put myself through this. I suppose it's all the money and glory. Oh, wait...

Anyway, I haven't got much to write, but I can't stand to go a week without a blog entry. I'll be back soon to let you know how the gig goes.

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