Tuesday 7 July 2009

Mainly about cylinders

I'm not firing on all cylinders today. None, in fact.

I think the cylinders deserve a break.

Also, it's hypocritical to shoot cylinders, when the barrel of my gun is also a cylinder. It's like the pot calling the kettle a black cylinder.

I'm thinking of calling my first born daughter Cylinder. My son can be called Cuboid (we can call him Cuboi for short).

Yep. That's all my cylinder material.


Found a wallet in the street today.

(I didn't find a wallet in the street today.)

Looked inside and saw there was a MI6 identification card inside.

(There was no card. There was no wallet.)

There was also some change, and a receipt for a Tesco pasta salad snack.

(No. No.)

As I looked at the wallet, my fingers started to burn.

(My fingers are fine.)

The wallet grew legs and ran away.


Then I bought some crayons.


I had a busy day.


I had a busy day.


Paul thought it was a good idea to mix things up by writing in the third person.

I disagreed.

In the end, they both agreed to disagree, and I was very happy about the outcome.

Sure you were.


Yes, I am in an odd mood today. I think it's the lack of coffee. My brain should be able to function well enough without it, but I think I've become dependent. It's funny how regular intake of a foreign chemical can destroy all of my mental faculties in such a short time.

Really funny.

I always used to hate the taste of coffee when I was younger. I still don't like milky coffee, or coffee chocolates, or coffee cake. But black coffee is so pure. It's like cough syrup. And who amongst us doesn't like drinking cough syrup? Bottle after bottle?

Not I.

Not me.

I should probably get some coffee.


Maybe if I write this entry in these short vignettes, it will suggest that I am being very considered. I'm imparting important chunks of knowledge with purpose and precision. Like Wittgenstein's Tractatus.

I think he spoke about cylinders and coffee cake in there somewhere.


Things are things. Some things are not things. Other things are also things/not things.


I should stop doing this now. I suppose.


That doesn't really convey my mood.


That's better.


I'm not firing on all cylinders today. Sausages, for example. Poor little guys.

I might just go for lethal injection.



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