I did try to back up my blogs into my own documents, but I only have Works on my computer, and it is shit. For some reason I can't copy and paste large sections of text into it, so it is useless in this enterprise. I even had to save my last entry in Notepad. Notepad! I'm thinking of investing in the comfort of Microsoft Office, even though I'm sure I'm supposed to hate it.
I have created a side-project. I don't know what it is on the side of. I don't have a main project. All my projects are side projects. I've got loads of sides, but no middle, like some dodecahedral singularity. Maybe lots of sides are enough. I could just stack them and pack them densely, like trying to squeeze thousands of slices of ham back into the shape of a pig.
In any event, here is my new band:
The Long Gods consist of me messing about with shitty software and making exceedingly rough sounding tunes. Have a listen, and I'm sure you'll agree that music can be abused.
Although the first two Long Gods songs aren't up to much, I'm currently working on a track that will blow you away. I'll update here when it's ready. Prepare your ears.
I can't remember how it got started, but a while ago I began thinking about inventing new forms of cutlery: ones that are as difficult to use as possible. They need to be purposely designed to make eating food practically impossible.
They consist of:
a) a convex spoon (which would probably have to look like a silver egg on a stick)
b) a knife that has no edge whatsoever; a long thing cylinder like a bit of dowel
c) a fork with a blivet end, like this:

I think it is a noble aim, and one day it will be realised. People are too complacent, knowing when to use which knife, and what the fish-fork looks like. This will keep them on their toes.
And with that, I shall take my leave.
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