My favourite bit of the exhibition was an illustration by John Martin from a volume of Paradise Lost. You don't really get a sense of the scale and detail here, but here it is:

It looks like an epic comic book drawing, which I'm sure is fairly insulting, but I don't mean it that way.
The resolution is a bit rubbish on the computer as well, which makes it look more like a video game screenshot. Which is damning with even fainter praise.
The exhibition is celebrating 400 years since Milton's birth. I was wondering if there are any modern artists whose births will be celebrated in 400 years. Elvis Presley? He might have returned from Neptune by then.
McCartney? Lennon? Groening? Pasquale?
Imagine having such impact that your legacy lasts 400 years. I think I'm going to struggle to make such an impression. Unless my blog begins to be worshipped as some kind of Bible. It shares the Bible's incoherence and disdain for humanity, but has embedded youtube videos and loads of puns.
If I wrote Ten Commandments, they'd all contain puns.
And swearing.
And two of them would be indentical, just to confuse people.
What will the world be like in 2408? People always overestimate what will happen in the future. That's why you get films made in the 80s, where the wonders of 1999 are predicted: all flying dogs and meals-in-a-pill. It's an embarassing guess.
To ensure I'm not humiliated in this way, my predictions are as follows:
1) Computers will be almost twice (twice!) as powerful as they are now
2) Lemar off of Fame Academy will no longer be a household name
3) People will narrow their eyes in confusion if you mention Jif, Marathon bars or Opal Fruits
4) The Earth will be kneeded into a disc by giant Italian space pirates.
Let's see you prove me wrong, Universe!
(Even if I am wrong, I'll be dead by 2408; so the joke's on you, you starry nonce!)
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