Monday 10 March 2008

Clone Wars!

Unbelievable. I just tried to register with the Guardian website, and have been told someone already has the name DiamondBadger. A quick Google search confirms this.

What are the odds? I thought that combination of words would be pretty unique. I was wrong.

(The google search also brings up an embarrassing wrestling message board post I made years ago. What a nonce. This is why I should forever be a lurker.)

It seems the other diamondbadger is a Rushden & Diamonds fan, which explains the 'diamond'. I don't know where the 'badger' came from. And why isn't he 'RushdenBadger'?

He or she, but let's face it: he, has also posted a few videos. Including one of a fight. Which begs the question: what is a Rushden and Diamonds fan, who enjoys fights, doing on the Guardian website? I don't want to generalise here, but I would have assumed diamondbadger2 was the kind of person that wants immigrants dead, and hates Graeme Le Saux. I suppose I would be wrong.

It's a free country. I just wonder who came up with the name first... I reckon I've had it since around 1998.

Anyway, if he wants to fight for it... I'll probably back down like a pussy. But only because I don't want the youtube footage to do the rounds.

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