Wednesday 20 August 2008


Something's afoot.

My foot, for one.

Hohohoho. THAT'S RIGHT.

I'm feeling rather aimless today. I'm in a strange limbo period between something important at work and my holiday.

I spent some of this morning creating a red robot out of a stressball, water-bottle lid and pen lids.

I can't decide whether to call him something straightforward like Redbot, or to go with something more politically aposite, like Trotsky or Engels. Poor Engels. He's been pretty marginalised.

Engels is the Andrew Ridgeley to Marx's George Michael (or the Collings to his Herrin). Marx seems like a bit of a glory-hog. I bet Engels did all the elbow-work. And used the entirety of his arms, for that matter.

I might market a Che Guevara-style Engels t-shirt.

And start a motorcycle gang based on his work called the Hell's Engels. And write a cheesy detective show about three beautiful Engels clones (whose boss is called Charlie). And introduce a more efficient method of fishing called Engeling.

I'm going to do all of those things. Poor Engels.

But I suppose we can examine the case of Ludwig Engels. He was both ethnically interesting (German-Brazillian) and a chess master. Second to no-one. His own man.

So there's something to hold on to. You can find a new perspective on everything.

That's why I like to come at things from a different Engels.




You're not better than me! You're... you're not.

You're not.

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