Friday 13 August 2010

Edinburgh 2010 - Day 6

My days are getting less and less eventful. And I like that a great deal. Thursday was, despite its spelling, pretty relaxed. (Stupid Wōden)

I got up late, and only left the flat when I realised that humans need food to live. I briefly looked into some shops, but realised that my time could be better spent sitting in bed, weeping (listening to podcasts). I picked up a delicious African wrap and a bottle of vitamin water.

I didn't want vitamin water. I don't like it. I'd rather just have water. But it was the closest thing to fruit juice they had. Apparently it will improve my skin. But there's no evidence so far.

Also, it's called V Water, which could mean anything. It says V Water: The Vitamin Water. But that seems a bit redundant. Unless the V stands for something else. Like Victory. Or Venereal.

The afternoon was pretty empty until I went out for our gig. I got soaked on the way. My jeans (which were probably a bit long) have gone from being tatty at the bottom, to ripped, to ripped into a ragged loop, to having the loop ripped in two. Now I have two dangling denim flaps at the bottom of my trouser leg, whipping at the air, a rain-sodden trip hazard, like the long ears of a Levi beagle.

On the way to the venue, I saw a man advertising his show with a big placard. People do that here. They have a sign with the show details on it, so that people can follow them down the street, like some Pied Piper of Ambitious and Ultimately Disappointing Dramatic Theatre.

This guy's sign just said "I LOVE ENGLAND". Which was brave. I think the show was about England, but still... If it wasn't festival time, that sign would probably get you killed in Edinburgh. I wondered if it might be part of a Die Hard With a Vengeance-style forfeit, to avoid a bombing elsewhere.

Our gig was totally full! In fact, there were more people that wanted to come in, but we didn't have the seats. I'm not sure why. I suppose word of our brilliance might have spread. Or maybe people just wanted a nice sit down.

Despite the big crowd, I didn't think the show was as good as some of the previous ones. I couldn't quite put my finger on it - things just seemed a bit more flat. I did the Headscissors stuff again, and it went OK.

Afterwards, we went for a drink or two (the normal people had alcohol, I had orange juice). I was goaded into five seconds of dancing before I left.

I'm a brilliant dancer. It was good to have that reminder. Now I don't have to ever do it again.

I was almost home when I realised again about the whole food-for-survival thing. The only place that was open was a kebab shop, and I got chips and cheese. It was my first really unhealthy thing since I got here, and made me feel a bit ill.

Or maybe it was after-effects of the dancing.

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