Tuesday 6 November 2007

What's in a name?

Lucy and I have been discussing good names for our children, and have come up with some belters. The trouble with my surname is that most first names sound stupid with it. Fung. It sounds like a gong or a comedy sound effect.

Also, as it is a one-syllable word beginning in a 'f' you can't use any names ending in a 'y'. For example, 'Molly Fung' sounds a bit like mollify, which is a bit confusing.

Also (2), the best Fung name has been taken by my cousin, who named his daughter Jasmine Mei Fung. That can't be beat. But we might steal it. Especially as my name was also stolen from a relative.

Anyway, after some deliberation we believe the best candidates for young Fungs are:

Cratthew Fung
Egg Yoo Fung
1996, huh? Fung

I think these are pretty golden; almost as good as Lucy's desire to have three sons called Lee, Harvey and Oswald.


I recently downloaded two albums each of Creedence Clearwater Revival and The Fall. I'm not sure why those two together, but it seemed right.

Creedence came back to my attention after watching The Big Lebowski for the first time in ages. Man, that film is good. Much like The Graduate, it has every type of joke in it. Anyway, I'm digging their weird swamp rock stylings.

The Fall, on the other hand, have pretty much blown my mind. They were a band who I'd always heard about, and seemed like I should listen to, but I couldn't be bothered. But Stewart Lee likes them, so I thought I'd grudgingly give them a try. But what I've heard so far is fucking awesome.


I'm all out of interesting things to say now. Perhaps I can start including golden moments from previous posts. It will be like one of those clip-shows everyone loves. Here's a good one:

"Man, that film is good." Nov 6 2007

Good times. You used to have talent, kid...

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