In Podcast 3 - Assembly we discuss embarrassing childhood incidents and contrast our schooldays with those of Tom Brown. To emphasise the raw, anything-can-happen (but probably won't) atmosphere, we also interact with the outside world in an amusing way.
As usual, listen at one of these places:
Listen at the podcast site here: http://diamondbadger.podbean.com/
Subscribe directly via iTunes here: http://tinyurl.com/yl5t5ly
Or listen in the player below:
Once again, thanks to those that have been kind enough to listen. We'd appreciate any comments you might have. If you'd like to join in with the pod fun, please do so.
What do you like about it? What do you hate about it? What do you wear whilst listening? Were you scared by Alex's scream at the end of Podcast 2?
We'd be interested in hearing your embarrassing childhood stories, and would like to know if we're alone in our neuroses.
Please feel free to comment below, on the podcast website, or even on iTunes itself! We could be the next Ricky Gervaises - Kings of Podland.
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