Tuesday 28 October 2008

Meaningless Indignation

I'm getting thoroughly depressed reading about the whole Russell Brand phonecall fiasco.

People are stupid. Most people, it seems. Even Guardian readers (and columnists).

I suppose it's reassuring in a way. There's a unifying umbrella of stupidity that covers all of us, crossing all boundaries of class, political views, education. We are bonded by the adhesive of mindnumbing over-reaction.

I listened to the Brand show and found it quite funny. Which is odd, because I've been to university. And I'm over fifteen. And I sometimes listen to classical music. This doesn't tally with what the press says. It must be some kind of genetic anomaly.

Although it was funny, I think it was stupid and wrong and a mistake. I don't think it was premeditated cruelty - just childish showing-off.

And that's it. It was a couple of people, who are sometimes funny, doing something stupid. It's not that big a deal. Andrew Sachs has the right to complain and be offended (and he is doing so quietly, with a lot of class, by the way). But the outrage in his name is ridiculous.

Much like the Johnny Vegas thing, people have come out of the woodwork to decry Brand and Ross. "They're not funny!" they cry. As if that makes any difference. It's stupid reasoning, because humour is subjective. I found it funny. And I'm three-quarters white, so I must know what I'm talking about.

Two people being idiots is not news. The debate is stupid. And it's everywhere.

I don't want to read it on every news site. I'm bored of it, but I can't escape it. (I suppose I could look away from the computer or go outside or something - but this seems like a last resort).

Fuck all the stupid self-righteous idiots blowing this whole thing out of proportion. Fuck people decrying the fall of 'moral standards'.

This isn't news!

After reading the views of the public, I feel like it would be good to lose about 80% of the population (I get to choose who, because my opinions aren't subjective like everyone else's).

I think I'm just in a bad mood. I'm over-reacting to an over-reaction.

There's no such thing as real morality, we're all just wasting time. We're all just differently-organised parcels of matter interacting with each other. How can 'wrong' and 'right' mean anything? There's no such thing as free will, there's no such thing as virtue. There's nothing objective about anything, because we can only understand it through the subjective organ of our brain.

Determinism makes your moral high-horse into a unicorn, and riding something invisible is a waste of everyone's time (and makes you look stupid).

In conclusion: if you're a twat (and there's an 80% chance you are), do us all a favour by cutting off your fingers and sewing up your mouth, so we never have to hear the faecal 'truth' oozing out of your microscopic brain.


Ah, genocidal Tuesdays...

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