These boards have never really had much impact on my life, but maybe they've always been there, just below my eyeline.
This one is along the same theme as the two yesterday, but I feel it's more considered:

I wonder if the shop-owner saw the other world-ending signs, and was inspired. He obviously thought this was good enough to replace a quote from Mahatma Gandhi (the faded remains of his name are still visible below).
I assume it was a quote, anyway. Maybe the board just read 'Fuck Mahatma Gandhi'. If so, he was probably right to erase it, as it would be unlikely to gain him custom (as I've established before, it's not a popular sentiment).
Even if the shop-owner hadn't seen the other signs, I'm sure it was inspired by the LHC and black hole panic.
It's quite a nice expression (and a popular one, judging by Google). Probably not the best advice, though. If life is that uncertain, you might as well forget about personal hygiene, steal stuff, and move into an expensive brothel. That's what I'd do, anyway. I don't have a sweet tooth.
It's also flawed because the shop in question doesn't sell dessert. It's a furniture and kitchenware shop. He's turning people away - they might blow all their furniture fund on ice-cream.
But I suppose: 'LIFE IS UNCERTAIN: BUY A MUG TREE' doesn't really ring true.
Maybe I should base all my blog entries on signs I see on the street.
See you next time for a treatise on the philosophical connotations of 'Eat At Joe's', and a hilarous sideways glance at 'The End is Nigh'.
Who the hell says 'nigh' anyway?
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