Friday 20 May 2011

Chemical Reactions

My love affair with the new Blogger features is already strained.

Why is it only my most recent post that shows on my homepage? It's wrong. What about new readers? They might scroll down to nothing, when they should be scrolling down to a man jumping on another man from high up.

On the other hand, I have been able to add a couple of new features to the bottom of the blog. There are links to share the post in other places. So, if you've been too BUSY to comment, and have had BETTER THINGS TO DO, you can now link to me on Facebook/Twitter with just a couple of clicks.

Why would anyone want to do that? I don't know. But now there's an option.

(Don't link to this shite, though)

There are also, oddly, some 'Reactions' buttons.

You can now indicate whether my posts are 'funny', 'interesting' or 'cool'.

This may seem redundant, as all my posts are all of the above. But it's good to have the option to make it explicit.

I'd like some other tickboxes, though. Those three are relatively similar.

What about 'racist', 'plagiarism', 'symptomatic of serious mental health issues' or 'pap'?

Your feedback is important to me. Not as important as the rainforests. But more important than the regular forests. So, pretty important.


Maybe the 'only most recent post on main page' issue is due to my use of pictures. I'll leave this one pic-free as an experiment. I'm a scientist.

I was never that interested in science at school. Until one day, something interesting happened.

It was a strangely warm October afternoon, right near the beginning of the school year.


I wrote that last line yesterday, and have no idea where I was going with it. I think I was probably going to invent an anecdote.

It's not a good start. Cliched, redundant. The rest of it would have had to be Michael Bay-ish in its explosions and robots to overcome such a start.

But we'll never know what I was thinking. The odds are that I wasn't thinking anything. Because I never am. My foresight doesn't extend any further than the word I am currently typing. I might type something about Moira Stewart.

I just don't know. That's what gives me my edge over the people that consider their writing. I'm rebelling against the very notion of stored knowledge.

This blog is strange. Does anybody else have a blog like this? It's not themed on anything, I generally don't link to items of interest, I rarely post videos, I rarely write about things that are actually happening in my life.

What is this?

People always said Seinfeld was a show about nothing. But it wasn't. It was about people doing things.

This is genuinely about nothing.

I don't even know what this section of the post is about. Why am I analysing the blog itself? This isn't even the first time I've done this.

But that's what gives me my edge.

Because just like *that* I can talk about cormorants.

When I was writing the word 'about' just then, I hadn't thought about cormorants for months. Perhaps even years. I rejected some things that I had thought about recently.

I can think of things I haven't thought about quicker than any other thinker in the world.

Of course, you have no way of knowing that I haven't been thinking about these things. I might have been obsessing over cormorants for weeks. I might have begun this blog with the express intention of bringing them up at some point. You don't know.

But you're just going to have to trust me.

Have I ever lied to you?

You don't know. But I'm telling you right now: I HAVEN'T.

Except for certain jokes or bits of rhetoric.

And the beginning of that science class anecdote I didn't finish.

Also, when I said I had 'the edge'. I said that twice. I lied twice.

I don't have the edge. I don't have any edge.

I'm a sphere.


Let's move on, shall we?

Let's move on with our lives.

Before I go, consider that there is an 'interesting' tickbox at the bottom of this post. And think about whether you want to use it.

Consider the many aspects of this post. I wrote about changes to Blogger, which NO-ONE could possibly be interested in, even if you have a blog.

I then started a fictional anecdote and abandoned it after the first sentence.

Then I began to talk about my own writing, mentioned cormorants, and then summed up the whole post hastily. I ended the summary with a pound sign for some reason£

Do you want to tick that 'interesting' box? Given all you have read?

I think you're thinking about it.

But I have no way of knowing whether you have or haven't been thinking about these things.

I'm just going to have to trust you.

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