Friday 7 November 2008

Feedback Loop

I've just realised that comments were switched off on my blog entries for ages. It makes the sarcastic entry below seem even more pathetic, if possible.

I think I've fixed it now though, so most of them should be commentable. The trouble is, now I have no excuses for not receiving comments.

I'd like to blame all my failings on computer glitches. I receive no comments because the settings are wrong, I have no money because my bank steals from me, I'm on the sex-offenders register because of "a clerical error".

Bill Gates shrank my penis. ("Microsoft!" he shouted, the four-eyed punning bastard)

It's their new logo now.


  1. I may just comment to make you feel better, or worse, depending on how me commenting on your blog makes you feel, better or, as I say, worse.

    You have a comment. Hope that makes you feel better (or worse).

  2. Thank you for my comment fix. It makes me feel both better and worse, like the first cigarette after having given up for years. I've never smoked, but I imagine that's what it would be like.

  3. Damn it!

    If all the cool people are going to leave comments, so will I.

    It's really more of a confession I suppose...

    I refresh this page as often as facebook. (Every 10 mins, mostly to the same avail - no new action... Yes, I am a sad, lonely bastard!)

    In fact we're all addicted in my house. My friend Matthew even went to the lengths of downloading and installing printer drivers, so he could print out a bunch of old entries to read on the train.

    Soon the number of your admirers will go on and on and on. Like a generous bag of intestines.

    Intestines? Poetry.

  4. You have warmed my cockles on this cold monday morning. Thank you.

    I'll try and post stuff more often. Of course, I may get fired from my job, but never mind. I can just start charging for every post. "So, you want to read an anecdote about cooking potatoes? £1800 please." I could be a very rich man.

  5. Rich in the sense you know how to cook potatoes?

    Perhaps we could suggest topics for you, to save your imagination solely for the writing. Let's start potatoes.
