Sunday 3 February 2008


I don't really get the fuss about cannibalism.

Once someone's dead, they're dead. What does it matter who digests the flesh? It's either us or the worms.

If you kill someone with the intention of eating them, that's bad. Killing people is bad. I don't hesitate in saying that. Killing is unequivacably wrong. Definitely.

But I don't know why there is such a big taboo over eating people. Maybe it's just that we taste bad. But there doesn't seem to be the same stigma attached to eating fennel. It doesn't make much sense.

When I was a kid, I got quite freaked out by the trailer to Alive. But nowadays, I'd be quite willing (not happy mind you, I'd probably be quite shocked by the plane crash and corpses), once everything had sunk in, to eat a bit of human mince. Unless my victim had tattoos. They might taste all inky like an octopus.

Not that I've ever eaten octopus. That would be disgusting.


It's the Superbowl tonight!

I thnk I may stay up to watch it, as it's on BBC and won't have adverts every eight seconds. I'm not sure what they'll do to fill the time, as the Superbowl is generally 85% commercials, 6% preposterous half-time glitz, 3% instant replays and the odd bit of armoured trolls running into each other at speed. Maybe everytime the game goes to commercial, it will cut back to someone in the BBC studio (someone who never watched the sport before this week and seems out of place, like Ray Stubbs) and they can explain to everyone why the game is supposed to be exciting.

I don't mean t be pessimistic. I think American Football is really fun to watch. As I've discussed before, it's made for people with short attention spans, which makes it frenetic and brutal, like a drive-by punching.

I have a fondness for American Football, as I remember staying up very late watching it at University with my friend James, for no good reason, other than we had nothing better to do. It's a bit like Laurel and Hardy which we used to watch to avoid working.

If you are putting something off, everything else becomes incredibly interesting.

So tonight, when I should be getting a good night's sleep to allow for a productive job search this week, I'll be staying up all night, drinking jasmine tea, in my pants, watching Ray Stubbs shrugging.

My prediction: Patriots will win. I'm supporting them because I've lived in England all my life and I've only been to York once.

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