Monday 4 November 2013


I'm kind-of, sort-of, almost doing NaNoWriMo again this year. You might remember me writing about my last attempt way back in November 2012. On that occasion, I completed my story and reached the required word count. So this year, I don't feel so much pressure to get it done. As a result, I'm way behind already.

But I'm sure things will pick up. I've just had an idea.

Last year, I never decided what I was going to write about until it was written. This year, I vowed to plan ahead, and to complete a considered, structured, thematically consistent whole before the beginning of November.

I have broken that vow. Just as I have broken every vow I've ever made. (I think my only other one had something to do with Red Dwarf - now that's fallen by the wayside...)

But I've had an idea. It's not a concept, or an outline, or a framework. It's not a tone or an approach. It doesn't dictate the genre, or the setting, or the characters.

Yet it is an idea. And ideas can move molehills. I know they can.

So I'd better get writing. At some point. Later on, probably.

For now, here is a thing I saw somewhere:

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