Monday 18 November 2013

Grinning Paul Oh Yes

The title of my last post didn't conform to the 'NaNoWriMo'-style naming structure of my other November posts. This might give you a clue about how well the writing is going. It is not going well.

This month has been a bit stressful, so I've had to take certain measures to maintain my sanity. These measures include not writing thousands of words every day, and watching various WWF wrestling events from the mid 1980s. I'm still sane, so it must have worked.

I'm also doing some stand-up in London on Saturday. The details are here. I haven't done any comedy since last December, so I'm probably going to be brilliant. Comic ideas take time to ferment. If you're patient, you can come out with something bursting with flavour.

On the other hand, I've forgotten how to use a microphone. I can never remember which colour wire you're supposed to cut.

Just so you know, I've done twelve tweets about wires, plus another couple about The Wire. But I don't want to be thought of as "the man who copies and pastes his relevant tweets from a spreadsheet into his blog post and changes the font colour to blue". So I won't post them here. Two of them are really funny, but I won't post them here.

Instead, here's a picture of me. I think, from my Tumblr research, that this is what's known as a GPOY. That's a gratuitous picture of yourself. I've been doing these since before they had their own acronym.

I found this one recently. I like that the lighting makes one side of my face look bigger/more heavily made-up than the other.

I also like the fact that it represents the exact opposite mood to the one I'm in now.

I might make it my new Facebook profile picture. I like the idea that people who I once knew (and befriended online), but who have now almost totally forgotten me, will see this and think that I have a fashionable mental illness.

In real life, it's not fashionable. In real life, I have the Mumford and Sons of mental illnesses.

I looked in the mirror today, and my hair is getting greyer.

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