Sunday 25 February 2018


Two students, looking through course documentation, choosing classes:

Jim: OMG, look! There's a class on bras! I'm doing that one! Should be fun, IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN. I've always been interested in bras, IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.

Kev: There's a class on bras? Where?

Jim points to a course heading.

Kev: What are you talking about?

Jim: Bras.

Kev. Yeah. No. I mean, that's not a course on bras. It's a course on CObras. The snakes.

Jim: What?

Jim looks more closely.

Jim: Oh. I thought it was bras.

Kev: You can read. What did you think the C and the O were about?

Jim: I thought they were a winking face emoji. You know, like... "bras" *wink*. Or *wink* bras. Because they know it's rude.

Kev: Why would they put an emoji in the course name? Anyway, a C can't be a winking eye. There's no vertical winking. 

Jim: Isn't there? *winks*

Kev: It's a shame. I bet a course on bras would be pretty interesting. It could be mainly a fashion thing, but they could also get into bras as a political/ social symbols. Like burning bras and stuff. I think the history of the bra would be an interesting topic. 

Jim: Yeah, it's a shame. I suppose it would be unlikely for them to run a course on bras here at Sheffield Reptile College.

Kev: Yeah.

Jim: Not sure if I'll sign up for cobras. After all, I'm already doing that course on pythons.

Kev: How's that going?

Jim: I don't like it. I only signed up by accident. I thought it was a class on pylons.

Kev: Oh. Did you think the TH was, what, some kind of wonky waffle emoticon?

Jim: Mmmmmmmmmmaybe.... *waffles*

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