Thursday 29 November 2012


I finished my NaNoWriMo "novel" yesterday.

I'm sure that will come as a great relief to all of you. I've basically spent this whole month telling you about a cake that you'll never be able to eat. I've explained my hardships with kneading, my struggles with creaming, my worries about whether I'll burn the base.

Nobody cares. You're all still hungry.

But still, it's something to be proud of. And ashamed of. More proud than ashamed.

The final word count was 51,337. It had an ending and everything. And an epilogue.

Expect it to be in the shops this time next week. They won't be selling it; I'll just be leaving memory sticks around. Each one will have a different chapter. Try to collect them all!

You can download banners that proclaim you a NaNoWriMo "winner". I wouldn't feel comfortable with displaying one of those. I am the opposite of a winner. I already have a "loser" banner. It is my face.

This has been downbeat so far. I'm actually very pleased to have finished.

Next month, I'll be able to get back to the classic Headscissors formula of talking to you as though you exist, and then making myself laugh with a reference to Lloyd Dyer.

AAAha. Lloyd Dyer. Brilliant.

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