I don't think that needs a hyphen. But it doesn't really matter - I'm multi-tasking and multitasking simultaneously.
I'm currently listening to a David Ackles album, watching two FA Cup matches and writing these words (for example, the word I'm writing NOW, is "now").
I tend to do several things at once. I'm sure I've discussed this before. Maybe I'll check my previous posts (why not add another activity to the pile?). But what to search for? "Tasking"?
"Tasking" yielded no results. And "multi" produced nothing relevant. I'm sure that can't be right.
Anyway, I like to have things to occupy my eyes, ears, hands and brain. Sometimes I'll play Freecell whilst listening to music, or play the guitar whilst watching television, or fiddle whilst watching Rome burn (on Youtube).
I think it's probably because I'm AMAZING.
So I'm writing this.
The Ackles album has finished, so I'll put something else on.
I've chosen a John Peel compilation thing on Spotify. This song is by The Misunderstood. I don't know who they are.
I'm watching the football on our picture-in-picture feature. Or "PIP". That's what it's called on our remote: PIP.
I don't like to call it that. I prefer to call it juxtapovision.
Not really. But I will from now on.
Though technically, this isn't PIP. It's PAP (picture-alongside-picture?). It means both channels are equally sized, and I can enjoy both games.
By which I mean I can not really follow either of them properly, and can only see them small. It's basically an unpleasant experience all round.
At least the music is good.
And the blog writing, of course.
This should give you a flavour of my evening. It's exhausting and fulfilling.
Ooh, Tim Hardin's just come on! Good work, Peel.
I really wish I'd listened to John Peel's radio show more often when he was alive. I did listen sometimes, but I really think I would love it now. And he selfishly had to go and die.
It taught me an important lesson about taking nothing for granted, and appreciating the fleetingness of life.
Which is why I'm watching two FA Cup games, listening to music and writing a blog post, all at the same time. Making the best of my existence.
I don't know why I put those asterisks there. I suppose I thought I was going down a blind alley, and that the asterisks might burst their way through the brickwork and create a path to the Elysian Fields or an all-night Toys R Us.
Adam Buxton (of Adam and Joe fame) has put together a great playlist of music videos on Youtube. He does a live show called BUG where he discusses cool videos, and this is the online version.
I thought I'd post a couple of my favourites here. I don't know if people ever watch the videos I put on here, or if they always skip over them.
I should put together some kind of survey. It would be marketing research on my readership. Questions could be something like:
Q1: When Paul rambles on for a few paragraphs about something you don't understand, do you find it:
a) Fantastic
b) Educational
c) Edutastic
f) "Like the height of The Beatles"
Q2: When Paul posts an embedded video, do you:
a) Skip over it in search of more PaulWords
b) Watch it avidly
Q3: When Paul posts an imaginary survey, do you find it:
a) An amusing experiment in form
b) A welcome means by which to communicate
c) Impossible to participate in - thus useless
I'll do a full list soon (no more than ten pages or so). Then I'll be able to really give the people what they want.
That reminds me of a joke I once wrote:
Q:How do you find out about oxygen?
A: Question air.
(ie Questionnaire. They're spelled differently, but sound similar, you see. That's why the joke works so well)
I got sidetracked.
This is really odd, quite disturbing, catchy and sweet, all at the same time.
This next one is my quirky video pioneers OK Go. Everyone's probably already seen this, but I think it's pretty cool. Especially with the constant goose appearances.
There's lots of other cool ones on the Buxton list too.
More asterisks there. The asterisks are my friends.
They don't find me boring.
Hey, look at this cool wrestling picture!

Between you and me (and I think I'm probably correct in assuming there's only two of us), I think the multitasking (and the multi-tasking, for that matter) have impacted on the quality of this post.
I haven't been able to concentrate properly, so I'm not sure if I've been my usual eloquent self.
To be fair, I haven't been eloquent since last spring. And that was only because I'd been possessed by the ghost of Noel Coward.
Oh well. At least there are some entertaining videos and a nice picture to look at.
Q4: Do you find Paul's self-deprecation to be:
a) Endearing
b) Unconvincing
c) Justified
These football matches are getting all the more one-sided. Both of them. That's half a side each. I think I should call an end to this whole experiment.
Q5: Paul's refusal to use question marks to punctuate what are obviously questions is:
a) Annoying?
b) Annoying.
c) I hadn't noticed. No-one noticed. Don't flatter yourself.
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