Jack Kirby is cool.
I'm writing this out of a sense of duty. To stop myself getting bored, I'll just do this in short bursts.
Mondays, eh? Hey? Mondays?
I watched the film Kramer vs Kramer last night. Then I watched a documentary about the film Kramer vs Kramer. Those two things are connected. They were on the same DVD. As was the theatrical trailer for Hook.
I didn't watch that though.
I've been given something complicated to do at work. I don't understand it. I basically said as much - twice - but the subsequent explanations have been just as baffling. I can't ask again. You can't claim ignorance three times.
Once is understandable, twice is shameful but permitted.
Three times makes you an actual idiot.
So now I have no option but to take my own life.
I don't know where I'm going to take my own life. I'll probably take it to the Cotswolds. Or a pylon factory. You know: for a treat.
I'm looking round the room for things to write about. There's a wall, but people don't always find walls interesting.
Hey, there's another wall.
And another.
And another.
Or is it all one big wall?
Curved walls are one big wall. How many degrees must the corner angle be to constitute a new wall?
People don't always find walls interesting.
I'm getting older.
The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. And the old get older.
The young get older.
The rich get older.
The poor get younger (they can't afford a forward progression through linear time, or balsamic vinegar).
I'm getting old. And vinegar.
This is a funny video. It can shoulder the burden.
I'm flagging now. Like a female assistant referee. Or a pirate. Or a man with flags for hands trying to swat bees.
This whole enterprise has been to the benefit of no-one and the detriment of all.
Quickly - I will save us with a picture!

Did that work? No?
How about this?

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