Busy as a wasp moonlighting as a bee, but still maintaining all her daytime wasp duties.
So I've been neglectful of you, dear reader (no need for the plural there, I think). I apologise.
To make amends, get 'am', glue it to 'end', then fasten an 's' on the end with a pin.
(Hmm. I could tweet that. Maybe I will. Cross-pollination like a bee-wasp.)
To make amends for my lack of content, here is this week's Gallery.
You know the theme tune, even though this week's Gallery is the first ever Gallery.
First up, we have a photo of our chili pepper plant. He's called Wallace.
I don't know why.

We haven't harvested his sweet fruit yet. But we will, we will. This is the longest we've ever managed to keep a plant alive, so every day is a bonus.
Next up is Zakumi, the official mascot of the 2010 FIFA World Cup, which has already faded into nothingness like the memory of being abused by a wishy-washy uncle.

Zakumi seems a bit too upbeat, and a bit too evil. He doesn't seem to have any self-doubt, and I can't respect anyone who isn't socially and emotionally crippled by cowardice.
Also, he tells me to hurt people.
Last, but not least, some real art. You may remember from Classic Headscissors (ie. an old post) that I did a doodle of a thing brilliantly called Fire and Moon:

Here it is: Fire

Pretty darn good. But I think it suffers from not having a paper hole in the corner, and a child's idea of the moon's face.
I think this is the landscape where Zakumi may live, starting fires and doing keepie-uppies while people dance to the rhythm of their primal drum-machines.
So, there you have it: pictures.
And remember, if a picture paints a thousand words, confiscate its brush.
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