Tuesday 24 June 2008


Sad news yesterday, with the death of comedy legend George Carlin at the age of 71.

I don't know why it's important to say the age of the deceased. I suppose it's so we can determine the right level of response. Here are the guidelines for how to react to someone's death based on age:

0-10: "Oh God! Why? Why, God, why? They were so young, and therefore better than adults! Children are worth 10 of every adult human, and I'll fight anyone who says different!"

10-20: "He was such a nice boy. No-one had anything bad to say about him. I mean, people had bad things to say while the kid was still alive. The deceased was actually a bit of a dick. But now he's dead, I realise he was a little angel. Even though he beat kids up and gobbed on the elderly. Our little prince."

20-50: "*shrug*"

50-70: "Dead too young. Feel sorry for his family. Still, he died the way he lived (with alcohol in his bloodstream and a prostitute sitting on his face)."

70-100: "He lived a long life. No regrets. Sad to see him go."

100-130: "For fuck's sake. We had the Guiness World records people coming round next week. Quick! Someone get some dark glasses and invisible string! Hasn't anyone seen Weekend at Bernie's?"

So you see, Carlin was over the limit. He lived a long life. No regrets. Sad to see him go.

It's a shame that there hasn't been much fuss about it. I suppose he wasn't that famous over here. Most people probably only know him as Rufus in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure (or as the foul-mouthed priest in Dogma).

He was one of the most influential stand-ups ever, though. He was great at analysing things in ridiculous detail, and looking at our use of language, and scrutinising beliefs. He also did jokes about farts, and so covered the whole sprectrum of comedy.

Most of all, though, he was really, really funny. He'll be missed.

Reading that back, it sounded a bit serious. I won't miss him that much. I mean, he never came to my house or anything. Come to think of it: fuck him.


On the subject of funny stuff, I strongly suggest that everyone goes over to the BBC iPlayer and watches Adam Buxton's MeeBOX.

It's a kind of video viral/sketch show and is very funny. You might also catch it on BBC Three in the middle of the night. Buxton is reliably funny. I particularly enjoyed Famous Guy's bad cockney accent:

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