Monday 3 August 2009

I Wrote The Songs

You may remember I put out a call for song titles a little while ago. It seemed that I was going to receive nothing (which would have saved me some effort, I suppose). But in the end, I received lots of good ideas from The Songe. So I got writing!

I managed three songs. One of which was too bad to present here (and when you listen to these two, you'll know how bad that was). Much like my blog posts, I get bored easily when writing songs, so these were almost entirely improvised. That's my excuse.

These form part of a larger project - Badger Time - the other songs and album cover for which will appear sometime in the future (if I can motivate myself to do it). These songs are dedicated to the Songe, without whom this project would not have been possible and, even with whom, this project is probably not desirable.

The first song is a jaunty little number. It doesn't need much explanation:

You Got Me Moultin'

The next one is frankly insane. I'm not sure what happened here, but it is what it is. I like to think of it as akin to late-period Scott Walker. When in fact it's probably late-period Any Psychopath

Transgenic Tiger

If you have any problem playing these through the embedded media players, let me know, and I'll courier you an MP3, or slip it under your door.


  1. These are great! I'll be humming You Got Me Moultin' all around the office (there are quite a few people around here who should be humming it too :-))
    Transgenic Tiger is brilliant, I have to admit I had no idea what you were going to do with this one! It's the sort of thing I can imagine people sitting around listening to, stoned, at 3am.

  2. Thanks! That's just what I was going for...

    I need to get cracking on the others. I'll see if I can get my hands on a small symphony orchestra.

  3. Dominic12:33:00

    Very cool... the first one sounds a bit like some of The Velvet Underground's more acousticy stuff.

    If I had given you a song title it would have been...

    "Ron's Got Spattergroit (He Hasn't Really But Don't Tell Voldemort)"

  4. Dominic12:34:00

    PS... I'm not expecting you to write that :-)

  5. Oh, that's a good one. I'd quite like to do it as a slow piano ballad. But I haven't got a piano.

    One day...
