Thursday 20 December 2007

2007: The Year in Shitty Bullshit Shit

It's the time of year when everyone forgets about being original and thought provoking and just lists stuff that's happened over the past orbit of the sun (that's how it works, right?).

But I feel that I can't really remember much of what I've done this year. If it was interesting, I probably would have written about it before.

I don't seem to have listened to any new albums this year, or seen any films, or reached any profound understandings about my life.

But I'm nothing if not lazy, so here is my Review of 2007:

Life-Changing Event of 2007

I grew a beard.

It hasn't caused me much trouble, but it has annoyed me that I don't grow hair on the bits between moustache and beard. It has also made me look a bit like a terrorist, which can only be a good thing (I don't travel by tube).

Film of 2007

Hmm. What have I even seen this year? Potter, Simpsons, nothing much. I suppose the award should go to the new Futurama DVD Movie, Bender's Big Score, which I got for my birthday. It's a bit long, but very funny.

TV Programme of 2007

Charlie Brooker's Screen Wipe in a walk. Although I am enjoying DS9 repeats.

Number of 2007

A tie between 8 and 9.

Celebrity Sighting of 2007

A comedy workshop with Adrian Edmonson. Although he didn't stab himself or fall through a window, so it was a bit of a disappointment.

Best bit from my Review of 2007

"Although I am enjoying DS9 repeats".

Prediction for 2008

More blogging, drug habit, success and failure.

And giant mechanical rats.


New character idea:

Blackboard the Pirate.

He's a pirate up to his neck, then his head is just a big blackboard with pirate slogans written on it in chalk.

I'm so inventive I could be the next Stan Lee.

Which reminds me...

Interesting Fact of 2007

I can do a good impression of Stan Lee, but no-one knows what he sounds like, so I don't get any props.

'Nuff Said, True Believer!

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