Tuesday 21 August 2012

Mission Statement

My new band is called Ear Mistake.

"We're Ear Mistake" begins the introduction in our debut album's liner notes. It's written in red.

"We're Ear Mistake. And this is our mission statement: STUFF NOTES DOWN THROATS. 

We don't believe in art. We believe in vibrations. Our songs are made to educate, flagellate and deform. These are liner notes. No-one even knows what liner notes are these days. Even releasing a physical CD is tantamount to rutting in the dirt. Well, good. Good. We do rut. We will rut. Come and rut with us. Play this loud.

Ji Ki - Vocals, Lead Mouth Organ
Chris Wade - Vocals, Clicking Noises
Chris Wade (girl version) - Drum Segments
Dorothee Justice - Bass
Navajo - Bloodsource

Produced by Ear Mistake, Vauxhall, 2012"

You may not see my name up there. That's because I'm working under a pseudonym. I'm one of those people with the funny names. I forget which one.

"We're Ear Mistake" begins our intro on stage. We've only had one gig, but this was the intro we used. We spoke it in green.

"We're Ear Mistake. This first song's called Into Question The Whole Status Quo."

Then we launched right into it.

Then we broke up and had all copies of our debut album pulped/melted/moved to Recycle Bin.

My old band was called Ear Mistake.

Under-appreciated at the time, but they've attracted a cult following since their demise.

RIP Dorothee Justice. Such a sad loss.


Fun fact: my spell-check doesn't recognise "Vauxhall". As an alternative, it suggests "Valhalla". Which is pretty much the same.


That's my new quirk. I say "suff" to punctuate things I say. It can mean whatever you want it to mean. Suff.

I hope no-one's already using it. I've already had T-shirts printed.

A quick web search...



I've really been misusing it.

Oh man, I just remembered I said it to a little girl... I wanted her to think I was cool. That explains why she returned my "suff" with such aggression and then dropped out of school.

Fun fact: "stands for shut up fuck face" is how I describe my political outlook on my new campaign flyers. I'm a shoe-in!

And that's the end of this blog post!

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